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PSD Wins Full Acquittal for Client in Federal White Collar Criminal Case

On July 28,2017, Barry Pollack won an acquittal on all charges in a federal criminal case in Boston. PSD’s client was the CEO of one of the largest international Bluefin tuna dealers. The charges included alleged smuggling, falsifying records and conspiracy. During the trial, Pollack uncovered significant government misconduct, including pressure on government witnesses to implicate PSD’s client, threats that caused a defense witness to refuse to testify, and efforts by the government to take inconsistent factual positions that deviated from its representations to a federal judge in the Eastern District of New York who accepted guilty pleas from three other individuals involved in the events at issue. The unanimous 12-person jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty on each and every charge for the five counts pending against PSD’s clients, in less than a full hour of deliberation. Pollack was quoted in several news stories on his win.